To Filter or Not to Filter

Something to really think about when you are brewing your tea, is the type of water you use. Personally I have had my share of types of water as it is important to test the effects of different variations with tea.

Of course it’s all a matter of preference, however when I go to sample teas or work a tea party I make a point of using the best water possible. This way the tea is not hindered by the water, it is actually enhanced. You will then get a better cup of tea and all of the pertinent factors will come into play such as aroma, liquor, and taste. Taste would be the most important of the three. No one likes a bad cup of tea, no one!

I’ve heard many countless stories of how “back in the day” you would throw 2 or 3 teabags in a teapot, add water, and let it steep all day or until the batch was gone. Nowadays people still make Sun Tea, however I believe tea goers are looking for something more substantial, an overall lovelier experience. And I am all for giving providing that.

So the next time you go to make a cup of tea, consider all of the factors, including water. From what I’ve tasted (my personal opinion), I will never brew tea in regular tap water. I feel filtered is the best and easiest way. However you should try brewing with distilled water. It is gives a really nice enhanced flavour without all of the impurities. And if you have a filter system that brews PH balanced water, trying steeping your tea cold. It’s like magic!!

Be sure to enjoy your tea and the magic the summer unfolds!


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